SMMT - UK Electric Vehicle Registrations (and other fuels)


Project Goal Link to heading

To obtain additional monthly car registration data to add to my DVLA Registration Dashboard in Tableau.

Monthly Vehicle Registration by Fuel Type and Keepership Link to heading

This is additional data being added to the DVLA Registered Vehicles dashboard I maintain on Tableau. The DVLA data is issued annually and only gives annual totals for registered vehicles. SMMT publish data monthly in an image format and this project, grabs that data from the images and processes it into a CSV file suitable for import into Tableau.


Intent Link to heading

Extract data from SMMT Public Vehicle Registration Data published monthly in png and jpg image format, of varying image sizes, and then parse this data into a database to enable querying through a dashboard.

Important Note Link to heading

If you wish to source data from the SMMT, please contact them directly:

Project Documentation Link to heading

Notebooks - Fuel / Customer new format Link to heading

Notebooks - Fuel Old Format Link to heading

Notebooks - Customer Old Format Link to heading