Salifort Motors - Google Advanced Analytics Capstone Project

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Google Advanced Data Analytics Capstone Project - Salifort Motors Link to heading

Overview Link to heading

Salifort Motors (The Client) is a fictitious company experiencing significant loss of employees. They have created a project team to provide data driven suggestions for the HR team to implement to improve employee retention.

The estimated cost of lost employees to the client is in the order of £42m for 2022, for 1,991 employees who left employment in 2022, representing 20% of all employees (10,000).

The project was completed using the PACE framework and the conclusions were :

  • A Machine Learning model that can make predictions on the probability of an employee leaving
  • a number of recommendations for the team at Salifort Motors aimed at improving employee retention.
As a capstone project, this was a great opportunity for me  
to develop tools and workflows for a data analysis project. 

While the project only requires a solution with one model, 
I wanted to see how the models compared, which is why this 
is such a large document. 

A typical Data Analysis project would decide on a single model and stick with it!

Client Documentation Link to heading

Generates a report for each department

An example of the generated Team report

Analyst’s Project Notebooks Link to heading

About this project structure Link to heading

Methods Link to heading

Since this is for educational purposes I set out with a number of goals additional to the project objective:

Goal 1 Link to heading

Experiment, experiment, break it, fix it, experiment, learn

Goal 2 Link to heading

Develop workflow functions to handle common tasks across different models types.

Four models were created with a notebook for each. The workflows are nearly identical in each since I could establish a common set of steps and standardise the most labour-intensive into functions where the entire step could be replaced with a function call.

Outside of the typical functions (load, save, etc), functions were created for visualising, and reporting.

For EDA Analysis Link to heading

Reporting functions.

eda_single(dataframe: object, var: str, decplace:int):

Return a df summary of the EDA variable.
in  : dataframe: Object = The dataframe to EDA
      var: String       = variable to summarise
      decplace: int     = Number of decimal place for pandas.options.display.float_format # to be removed
out : dataframe summary of the variable 

eda_dual(dataframe: object, var1: str, var2: str, decplace: int):

Return a df summary of the EDA variable.
in  : dataframe: Object = The dataframe to EDA
      var1: String      = variable to summarise
      var2: String      = second variable
      decplace: int     = Number of decimal place for pandas.options.display.float_format # to be removed
out : dataframe grouped by summary of the variable 

eda_single_bins(dataframe: object, var: str, bins: list, labels: list, decplace: int):

Return a BINNED df summary of the EDA variable.
in  : dataframe: Object = The dataframe to EDA
    : var: String       = variable to summarise
    : bins: List        = list object of the bin groupings e.g. [0, 0.33, 0.5, 0.7, 1] 
    : labels: List      = list object of the bin labels e.g. ['low', 'medium', 'high'] 
    : decplace: int     = Number of decimal place for pandas.options.display.float_format # to be removed
out : binned dataframe summary of the variable 

Various visualisation functions.

correlation_single(dataframe: object, var: str):

Return a single row from the correlation plot.
in  : dataframe: Object = The dataframe to EDA
      var: String       = variable to summarise
out : correlation heatmap plot

quadplot(dataframe:object, var:str, annotate:bool):

Quad plot 2x2 histogram, heatmap, barplot, violinplot,
in  : dataframe     : Object        = Dataframe to analyse
    : var           : Variable      = variable to summarise
    : annotate      : Bool          = Annotate the heatmap (if lots of data select False) True / False
out : 4 x plots of the variable.

scatplot_single(dataframe: object, x_var: str, y_var: str):

Create scatterplot of two variables,
in  : dataframe : Object = Dataframe to analyse
    : x_var     : Str    = First variable to plot on x-axis
    : y_var     : Str    = Second variable to plot on y-axis
out : single scatterplot

scatplot_multi(dataframe: object, var1: str):

Create scatterplots of one variable against all variables in dataframe,
in  : dataframe : Object = Dataframe to analyse
    : var1: Variable      = Variable to plot on y-axis
out : single scatterplot
For modelling Link to heading

make_results(model_name: str, model_object: object, X_var: str, y_var: str, y_pred_var: str) :

Returns a pandas df with the F1, recall, precision, and accuracy scores
for the model with the best mean F1 score across all validation folds.

    model_name (string):  How you want your model to be named in the output table
    model_object:         The model object
    X_var:                numpy array of X data
    y_var:                numpy array of y data
    y_pred_var:           numpy array of predict

Out: pandas df containing precision, recall, f1, accuracy, and AUC scores of the models

format_GS_results(model_name:str, model_object, metric:str):

Returns a pandas df with the F1, recall, precision, accuracy, and auc scores
from the GridSearch.

    model_name (string): what you want the model to be called in the output table
    model_object: a fit GridSearchCV object from test data
    metric (string): precision, recall, f1, accuracy, or auc

classification_report_summary(name:str, y_var:str, y_pred_var:str):

Gather stats from predictions and format into a report

    name:str    : Test data name for report header e.g. TEST or TRAIN
    y_var       : y variable
    y_pred_var  : y prediction Variable

Out: Display of precision, recall, f1, accuracy, and AUC scores of the models, Weighted Average and Prediction f1 score for true/false

Goal 3 Link to heading

Compare model performances across the most common models Logistical Regression, Random Forest, Decision Tree and XGBoost.

Goal 4 Link to heading

Compare the effect on model performance of using the complete dataset and a feature engineered version where features that had very low or no correlation were removed. - In this project it was mainly the departments the employee worked in that had little bearing on the results.

Two datasets were created AllFeat which had all of the dataset features, and NoDept which had the departments removed.

Each model was created, trained, used for predictions and scored. These scores were stored in Results.csv

Goal 5 Link to heading

Create working demonstrations of the models to give ’live’ performance comparisons that would be easier to understand for the client’s team. e.g. rather than presenting F1 scores, AUC, Precision, etc. I can present an example where the model has been applied and a prediction given.

Four examples were developed and can be found in the following notebooks:

Interactive Link to heading

The function is given information about the employee:

  • last_eval
  • left
  • number_project
  • overworked
  • promotion
  • salary
  • satisfaction
  • tenure

And outputs a prediction from the main three models

Summary Link to heading

The models are run through the dataset for employees who have left and employees who have stayed. So, for example 1991 employees had left, the models are run on these employees to see how many it would have predicted to leave and again on the current employees to predict who is at risk from leaving.

Predictions on datafile Link to heading

The HR dataset is processed through the models and columns added with predictions, this is stored in an html file for later viewing

Team Manager’s report Link to heading

This is a template that can be customised by the HR Team for each team manager. By simply changing one variable for the team an entire report can be generated, saving the HR team a lot of time preparing for meetings with team managers.

Salifort Project - Team Summary Jupyter Notebook Link to heading

This notebook provides two elements to the team manager :

takes the variable for the team and applies a series of code cells to present the team’s employee data as a series of comparative plots that demonstrate these metrics side by side for the company, the employees in that team that left and the current employees along with indicators across all plots for the average for the company.

Data and Files Link to heading

Files are structured to preserve my sanity

<h1>Directory Tree</h1><p>
├── 00-data_cleaned<br>
├── 00-data_source<br>
├── 04-pickle-ML-models<br>
├── 99-documentation-project<br>
│   ├── 00-Timeline<br>
│   ├── 01-Client_Proposal<br>
│   ├── 02-PACE_Workflow<br>
│   ├── 03-Analyst_Summary<br>
│   ├── 04-Executive_Summary<br>
│   ├── 05-HR_Summary<br>
│   ├── 06-Team_Summaries<br>
│   ├── 07-predictions<br>
│   ├── 08-plot_data<br>
│   ├── 09-project_close<br>
│   ├── css<br>
│   └── img<br>
├── z-dev-notebooks<br>
├── nb_03_Salifort_Motors_project_EDA_cleanse.ipynb<br>
├── nb_04_Salifort_Motors_project_EDA_ANALYSIS.ipynb<br>
├── nb_06_Salifort_Motors_project_Feature_Engineering.ipynb<br>
├── nb_06_Salifort_Motors_project_Logistical_Regression_Model.ipynb<br>
├── nb_07_Salifort_Motors_project_Decision_Tree_Model.ipynb<br>
├── nb_08_Salifort_Motors_project_XGBoost_Model.ipynb<br>
├── nb_09_Salifort_Motors_project_Random_Forest_Model.ipynb<br>
├── nb_11_Salifort_Motors_project_Model_Comparisons.ipynb<br>
├── nb_12_Salifort_Motors_project_MODEL_DEMONSTRATION.ipynb<br>

19 directories